
Noonan Name History

Noonan Name History


Noonan (Irish: Ó Nuanáin and Ó hIonmhaineáin).

Originally recorded as O'Nuanain, it is said to belong almost exclusively to the province of Munster, and particularly County Cork. The name means the "descendant of the beloved one" which was a reference to the original chief of the clan.

Learn more about the Noonan

The Framed Irish Family Name History, (#1760) has more information on the Noonan surname. There is a wide selection of Noonan coat of arms products at The Irish Rose. Please visit the Irish Coat of Arms page.

Find Noonan's Pub in Ireland

We managed to locate at least one Noonan's Bar in Ireland. There isn't a website as yet, but from what we can tell, they serves their loyal patrons on Lord Edward Street near the Limerick train station in County Limerick.

If you can't visit Noonan's in person, our personalized pub gifts are the next best thing!

Notable people named Noonan


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